Hello... my name is King Reza

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


"Who says I gotta write a sad lyric?"

It has been 6 years since I have written on this blog.

I recently read an article about Drake on DJBooth.net by Lucas Garrison (The Inside Story of "So Far Gone," The Album That Turned Drake Into A Superstar)
The article documents a timeline of the rise of Aubrey Drake Graham leading up to his release of "So Far Gone" via the lost OVOSound blog. It was a really interesting read, especially being a huge Drake fan. (Sidebar: yeah, I'm a Drake fan, FIGHT ME!)
Anyways, said article inspired me to dust this blog off, and start writing to those of you out there that are following! I wanted to give fanz a glimpse, as well as, give myself an outlet to process my progress. (AKA errrybody got a Facebook. #OverSaturation -- But, this bish got a blog for her real fanz.)
Thank you for reading. Thank you for believing in me. And, thank you for sharing this life with me. I'm grateful for you, more than you will ever know.
Shall we?


What the hell does that mean?

Well, if I'm being honest, I came up with this when I ate some mushrooms with an old friend of mine last Summer. I started saying it/posting it on Instagram, and attained a sort of spiritual connection to the phrase. The concept comes from super heroes and their alternate personas (AKA The man behind the keyboard.)

"Famous On The Low" is basically that "I'm really a rapper, but I wait tables during the day" or "I'm really a singer, but I work at a Currency Exchange" or "I'm really a dominatrix, but I also work at a phone center." (One might equate it to a side-hustle.)

For me it also goes a little deeper:

You see, there was this guy, his name was Michael Reza Heath. He was born in Illinois and then moved so many times in his life that he lost count. He was passed around more than a collection plate at church. Eventually, he ended up in Davenport, Iowa-- then moved to Chicago after graduating College.

His family called him "Reza." That was the name they wrote on Stockings at Christmas, Birthday Cards at Birthdays, and Easter Eggs at Easter. Then, one day, the kids in school were making fun of people with "different" names, his happened to come up. He ran home crying, and he told his mother, "I don't want to go by 'Reza' anymore, I want to go by 'Michael.'" That was the day that he decided to put Superman in the closet, and become Clark Kent. (He knew for some reason that he was already a target with his crooked foot and chemical adoration for members of the same sex-- so he hid behind a pair of glasses.)

ALSO, in the LGBTQ Community: when someone is "on the low" it means that they are hiding their true identity: Hiding the fact that they feel like a woman in a mans body, OR hiding that they're a boy that likes playing baseball; but, they also likes kissing other boys that like playing baseball.

Those that are "on the low" tend to hide these parts of themselves from family members/friends for fear of them no longer being their family members/friends. They will often keep relationships/crushes quiet, delete browser histories and cry themselves to sleep at night.

[There is also a stigma for those of us that suffer from issues with Mental Illness. (For The Record: If you're "Famous On The Low," I want you to know that I see you. I want you to keep going. You WILL find your tribe.)]

Anyways, that is where the world famous phrase "Famous On The Low" comes from. Hope you enjoyed reading/ Hope it makes sense to some of you. I usually use the hashtag in moments where I'm feeling "famous," feel free to use it as well!


Lets Connect!
Instagram: kingrezaofficial
Twitter: kingrezaoficial (like in Spanish)

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