Hello... my name is King Reza

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Real Friendz

Real Friendz- Super King RezaMix

"I aint got no real friends, not even myself."

Life has been interesting. Life has been beautiful. Life has been Life. Life has been Life.

My Verse on this "RezaMix" is about the loneliness that I have felt over the past few months. Loneliness, is a state that I struggle with often, and have ever since I was a child. I've always felt abandoned, and back in October, I even kind of abandoned myself. The depression that I felt during those months is something I would wish on no one.

One day, I woke up, and I had nothing but the clothes on my back (which didn't really fit,) a job at a phone center, and this Voice that people seem to enjoy. A Voice which I grew to hate the sound of. A Voice that I felt got me in so much trouble for being so "loud" and "proud."  I gave up for a bit there, it is what it is; I wasn't sure if I'd ever be up to par again. I made it back tho, and I won't be leaving again anytime soon.

What got me through?
Music (but, not always)
Practicing Gratitude

It's a remix of a popular Kanye West song. Kanye, who I love, has always been misunderstood. (Which at risk of sounding redundant, is something I understand.) Love you, Kanye.
